Are Veggie Burgers Healthier Than Beef


September 28, 2019

To the comment past azure, grazing cattle is leading to the extinction of the few wild fauna left in the USA, and every single thing y'all said nigh growing plants using up h2o and pesticides, means that great, you support everyone going vegan immediately, because it takes far more plants and h2o, to cycle through animals to produce food for humans than if we merely ate the plants directly.

I detect information technology depressing that the writer of this article did not even mention that eating animals is barbarian and inhumane, and that this is perchance also a nifty reason not to practise and so, especially when study after study has shown that people who eat plants and not animals have less cancer, centre illness, obesity and live longer and healthier lives, so in that location is no justification whatsoever to eat animals or their secretions in 2019.

The current meme on social media which I am sure uses this article to back up its 'argument' most how some veggie burgers are processed, so nosotros should all simply carry on eating animals and their secretions while the amazon burns and nosotros run out of h2o and the ice caps are melting and our waterways are choking with animal manure and then that whatever fish humans oasis't already killed directly will die from this and other human-caused pollution, so on, is patently absurd, with its implicit proffer that all vegans eat are beyond burgers. Some of united states consume the odd veggie burger here and at that place, some of usa never eat veggie burgers, and some of us consume them all the time. Furthermore, some vegans don't even consume the impossible burger since one of its ingredients was tested on animals.

300 billion animals are killed PER Twenty-four hour period around the world (this includes fish) for food, and all of this suffering, pollution, expiry and violence is completely unnecessary. Be part of the solution, be peaceful, be loving, exist vegan. Thanks for reading.


September 23, 2019

This article is extremely misleading. The Beyond Burger and 70% lean ground beef have exactly the aforementioned saturated fat content. And although the Impossible Burger has more saturated fatty than ground beefiness, information technology overall has less fatty in total. There is also no mention that plant-based options are cholesterol-complimentary, which is another major do good.

Ann Emery

September 20, 2019

I have been told that fetal dogie blood is used in the manufacture of these "establish based" burgers. Is this correct?

A institute based burger show works well on the digestive system

"Since diets higher in saturated fat are associated with increased rates of both heart affliction and premature death"

Zilch wrong with Saturated Fatty. Information technology's a complete myth. You should be discredited.

You neglected to mention plant based burgers have Cobweb in them, which helps keep our hearts good for you! Sure the graphic shows this, merely readers might not know the connexion…every bit a dietitian I thought you would elaborate on that? And since beefiness and turkey has Nada fiber and notwithstanding take saturated fat, I would retrieve constitute based is HEALTHIER all around!

"The bottom line: Meatless burgers are good for the planet, merely non always adept for our health" Depends on where the saturated fat these very processed burger comes from doesn't it? What if it's palm oil? Which has been demonstrated to increase LDL levels? And is known to exist produced in environmentally destructive means, i.e, by clear cutting/burning tropical pelting wood to create fields for creating palm plantations, i.due east, mono crops, that exhaust the soil. Not so "good for the earth" then is information technology?
While I think CAFOs are environmentally subversive & very difficult on cattle (only equally some chicken farms that crowd chickens into too small areas and require that they receive continual depression levels of antibiotics to increment their growth rate & non become sick from overcrowding (easy for illness to spread), I think at that place are parts of the world, including the US, where grazing animals (including buffalo) are the best utilise of the country. It was poor country use practices plus drought (poor practices made the effects of the drought worse, just as farming practices fabricated the late 1800's drought in MN, Dakotas far worse then it would otherwise have been) that dried upward prairies that had been plowed and planted. Had those lands been left for grazing (not overgrazing) by buffalo or cattle, information technology'south likely the effects of drought would've been lessened.
Hard to believe the irrigation (and pesticides) used to grow cotton fiber and other water hungry crops in CA and elsewhere (AZ) is a amend and more efficient use of water so raising cattle or buffalo on the prairies. Or any other area in the world where the resident peoples (whether nomads or a people who moved to/from grazing grounds with their animals (that would include those who heighten reindeer) and whose societies lasted for generations (without environmental degredation). Or irrigation dependent crops grown in eastern OR irrigated by water from dammed rivers in the Pacific Northwest. Those same dams provide electrical power ("make clean" energy) yet are responsible for the precipitous refuse in salmon populations, lamphrey eels (eaten and used in other ways by PNW native Americans and other edible species that once lived in the dammed rivers. The analysis in this article ignores the complexity of water use bug for agriculture, forestry, and maintaining commercial fish & other river/estuarine species (or that may spend part of their life in the ocean). Non to omit mention of how other societal practices, called-for coal, other forms of pollution and USDA supported pesticide apply (such as arsenic) has resulted in fish that aren't rubber to consume except occasionally and not at all by pregnant women (mercury in tuna, other fish at the peak of the ocean/estuarine food chain/that live a relatively long fourth dimension), even more and so if they're "farmed", and rice whose consumption should be limited because of arsenic levels. Because arsenic was in one case used equally a rice pesticide and it sticks around for a long long time (in the soil). More in brown rice in so white. Unless it's been grown outside of the US or in a part of the United states of america where arsenic based pesticides weren't used as much. Then there's the huge range & diverseness of pesticides (which includes herbicides) used to abound so many institute crops in the United states at this fourth dimension–I believe 32 are canonical for utilise on one kind of legume. Surely a cost, like water consumption, that needs to be considered in an analysis of the costs of growing plant foods.

No one eats a burger – veggie or otherwise – as a "heathy" selection. It'south unclear why veggie burgers are constantly held to this loftier standard. Looking at these numbers establish-based burgers certainly seem to exist roughly every bit good for you as meat burgers, with the possible exception of the higher sodium content.

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